This post is a little unusual because there are some fundamentalist Christians who might actually agree with most of what I have to say. But I'm not writing this for them. I'm writing this for average everyday Christians, people who believe the Bible and perhaps even go to church … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 6: Sin, Free Will, and Doubts
16 years ago today, I wrote this in my journal: I recently had the question, "If the punishment for sin is death and eternal Hell, why did Jesus only receive the death part?" Now I know. Jesus took the blame of sin on himself physically, but sin cannot co-exist with our … [Read more...]
Why is God Hiding?
If the Christian God exists, where the hell is he? The entire debate between Christians and atheists boils down to this one problem. If God exists, why is there no proof that he exists? I'm not talking about "logical proofs" that merely define God into existence, "scientific … [Read more...]
From One Furnace to Another
Back in 2001, during the height of my religious mania, I saw a mini-series called Anne Frank: The Whole Story. Although it isn't historically accurate (what happens to Anne Frank after she's captured by the Nazis is pure conjecture), I was very moved by the story. Of course I … [Read more...]