If I don't believe in god, why do I care if other people do? I hear this question all the time, and it drives me crazy. Young-Earth creationist Ken Ham once said, "It is incredible that atheists spend so much time, effort, and money arguing against Someone that they don’t … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2014
Why is God Hiding?
If the Christian God exists, where the hell is he? The entire debate between Christians and atheists boils down to this one problem. If God exists, why is there no proof that he exists? I'm not talking about "logical proofs" that merely define God into existence, "scientific … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 5: Other Religions, Satan, and Miracles
16 years ago today, I wrote this in my journal: Last Wednesday Gabe confused my faith with his Mormonism. It was my own fault for asking so much about it. I was upset, but then I went to a concert at CDO Assembly Church and that cheered me up.... I've been through so many … [Read more...]
Was I a True Christian?
In college I got into a heated argument with a girl named Amy, a member of the Baptist Campus Ministries. I don't remember how the argument began, but I was explaining how the Bible is full of contradictions and unreliable as a historical document. She said I didn't know what I … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 4: Faith and Guilt
16 years ago today, I wrote this in my journal: There are so many "Christians" who aren't living for God. They're afraid to give up worldly pleasures. Their faith is so weak it's sad. Then again, I'm not so great myself. I could be so much better, but sometimes I just don't … [Read more...]