If god is such a brilliant designer, why did he make everything needlessly complicated? This question occurred to me after a brief conversation with a young-earth creationist. She made a post on Facebook about how the complexity of the immune system suggests an intelligent … [Read more...]
Why I Am No Longer a Creationist – Part 2
In my last post I touched on three lines of evidence for evolution. It's barely an introduction, but I hope it will give some creationists a starting point. In this post I'm going to respond to a few creationist objections and explain why creationism isn't a science. Common … [Read more...]
Why I Am No Longer a Creationist – Part 1
After high school, I was an evangelical Christian living in the Midwestern United States. So naturally, I was also a young earth creationist. I regarded evolution as a fairy tale for grownups and was baffled that so many people fell for it. How could anyone believe simple … [Read more...]
Why I Care About Things I Don’t Believe
If I don't believe in god, why do I care if other people do? I hear this question all the time, and it drives me crazy. Young-Earth creationist Ken Ham once said, "It is incredible that atheists spend so much time, effort, and money arguing against Someone that they don’t … [Read more...]
What the Hell is a Theory, Anyway?
I'm sure you've heard this classic one-liner from the creationist playbook: "Evolution is just a theory." It makes me cringe every time I hear it, partly because I myself once used it on a classroom full of students. If only I could go back in time and smack that little twerp. … [Read more...]