16 years ago today, I wrote this in my journal: Praise Jesus Christ! He used me to lead Shannon to Him! I had to talk with her for about an hour and a half, but she prayed with me and accepted Him! The Spirit really spoke through me two nights ago. She just couldn't argue … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2014
The Psychology of Belief
I've been working on a post about why I accept evolution and a post about the moral argument for god's existence, but they're both taking longer than expected. So in the meantime I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on the psychology of belief. Humans are capable of … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 9: Spirituality and Witnessing
16 years ago today, I wrote this in my journal: Two nights ago I had a burden on my heart. I believe the Holy Spirit asked me, "If you all believe in me so much and want to serve me, what are you doing about it?" It made me realize that if God is more important than anything, … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 8: Bible Versions and Divine Inspiration
16 years ago today, I wrote this in my journal: Well, I've been pretty bad about memorizing verses and Bible study lately. Part of the reason is because we found out that the NIV is a pretty bad translation. It waters the meaning down terribly. So last night my mom got me a … [Read more...]
Zombies in the Bible
Walking Dead is back and Halloween is almost here, so it's time to talk about zombies! One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Matthew 27:52-53 which says, "And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his … [Read more...]