The Christian gospel is simple. The idea is that everyone has sinned at least once, and because we've sinned we all deserve to go to Hell for eternity (a bit harsh, but that's the story). The only way God can save us from Hell is to become a human and sacrifice himself to himself … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 39: Witnessing To Christians
16 years ago, I wrote this in my journal: I went to 1st Baptist Church of Bartlesville again. Another typical service and sermon, nothing special. Bible study was a mix of the new 7th graders through college. The speaker, who is only 24 years old, was awesome! I’ve never heard … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 38: Suffering and Skills
16 years ago, I wrote this in my journal: It’s just too easy here. I told my mom I’m dissatisfied with my life here. We have too many things and we live in luxury. She said to just be thankful we live in America. But we’re God’s stewards! He doesn’t give us money just so we … [Read more...]
7 Reasons God is a Terrible Writer
It's often said that the fastest way to turn Christians into atheists is to have them read the Bible cover to cover. The atrocities committed by God and his chosen people, the bizarre rituals, the vague prophecies, the blatant contradictions, the primitive morals, and the … [Read more...]
Zombies in the Bible
Walking Dead is back and Halloween is almost here, so it's time to talk about zombies! One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Matthew 27:52-53 which says, "And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his … [Read more...]