The Christian gospel is simple. The idea is that everyone has sinned at least once, and because we've sinned we all deserve to go to Hell for eternity (a bit harsh, but that's the story). The only way God can save us from Hell is to become a human and sacrifice himself to himself … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 43: Big Sins and Little Sins
16 years ago, I wrote this in my journal: I think one reason I've repeated the same little sins over and over is because when I repent of those “little” sins I don’t have the same deep abhorrence far them as I do for “big” sins. It was one thing to stop smoking pot and looking … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 4: Faith and Guilt
16 years ago today, I wrote this in my journal: There are so many "Christians" who aren't living for God. They're afraid to give up worldly pleasures. Their faith is so weak it's sad. Then again, I'm not so great myself. I could be so much better, but sometimes I just don't … [Read more...]