Back when I was still a Bible-thumping, church-going, evangelical Christian, I used to have little moments of doubt. One time it happened while I was sitting in church listening to my pastor preach about obedience. He briefly mentioned the serpent that spoke to Eve and tempted … [Read more...]
If Atheism is a Religion…
Here's a common theistic claim that makes me want to punch my computer: Atheism is a religion. This is very strange considering atheism doesn't have any features normally associated with religion--things like creeds, holy books, moral codes, origin myths, prayers, prophecies, and … [Read more...]
The Psychology of Belief
I've been working on a post about why I accept evolution and a post about the moral argument for god's existence, but they're both taking longer than expected. So in the meantime I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on the psychology of belief. Humans are capable of … [Read more...]
Why is God Hiding?
If the Christian God exists, where the hell is he? The entire debate between Christians and atheists boils down to this one problem. If God exists, why is there no proof that he exists? I'm not talking about "logical proofs" that merely define God into existence, "scientific … [Read more...]
My Response To “Dear Atheist”
A while back my fundamentalist Christian aunt and I were going back and forth on Facebook over several issues such as evolution and gay marriage. One day she posted this weird open-verse poem called "Dear Atheist." It is one of the most ignorant rants against atheism I have ever … [Read more...]