16 years ago, I wrote this in my journal: Sometimes I wish God spoke to me more. There have been times when a certain verse really moved me or I was very excited when I prayed. Then again, what is it I want? A feeling, or a Word from God? And if I want some special message … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 6: Sin, Free Will, and Doubts
16 years ago today, I wrote this in my journal: I recently had the question, "If the punishment for sin is death and eternal Hell, why did Jesus only receive the death part?" Now I know. Jesus took the blame of sin on himself physically, but sin cannot co-exist with our … [Read more...]
LTMFS Part 1: Questions and Decisions
16 years ago today, I wrote this in my journal (it's the first thing I wrote after recommitting my life to Christ): The most important thing I've learned is no matter where I am, what time it is, or who I'm with, I can always turn to God in prayer. He is always with me and I … [Read more...]
I Didn’t Choose To Be An Atheist
After being a die hard Southern Baptist Christian for a couple of years, I innocently started asking a few questions. If we're born sinful, why is it our fault for being sinners? If people have free will, why should we pray for their salvation? If God is just, why does he send … [Read more...]