It's often said that the fastest way to turn Christians into atheists is to have them read the Bible cover to cover. The atrocities committed by God and his chosen people, the bizarre rituals, the vague prophecies, the blatant contradictions, the primitive morals, and the … [Read more...]
Born in the Right Place at the Right Time
Before you read this post, please take a good look at this map of world religions. It makes me wonder... If I had been born in the Middle East, would I have grown up believing in Islam? What if I had been born in India? Would I have grown up as a Hindu? Or what if I had been born … [Read more...]
Zombies in the Bible
Walking Dead is back and Halloween is almost here, so it's time to talk about zombies! One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Matthew 27:52-53 which says, "And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his … [Read more...]
The Danger of Movies Like Left Behind
Last weekend marked the release of the new Nicolas Cage movie, Left Behind. So far the reviews are less than stellar. Shocking, right? I don't have a problem with the premise of this movie. There have been all sorts of movies based on myths and fairy tales, and some of them are … [Read more...]
The Source of My Inner Turmoil
Last month I got into a Facebook debate with a fundamentalist Christian relative about whether belief is a choice. Of course it branched into many related topics, and she didn't say anything I hadn't already heard. But I decided to end it after she said, "I am so sorry for your … [Read more...]