In my last post I explained why the existence of objective moral values would not prove the existence of god and why divine command theory is a dangerous idea. But the idea that morality comes from god raises another issue, one that goes all the way back to Plato. If you … [Read more...]
Morality – Part 2: Divine Command Theory
In my last post I dealt with the second premise of the moral argument for god's existence--that morality is objective and absolute--by explaining that we are not born with a moral code and that the idea of objective moral values is a contradiction in terms. Non Sequiturs and … [Read more...]
Morality – Part 1: Objective Moral Values
Morality is one of the most hotly debated topics among theists and atheists. I believe there are two major reasons for this: It's incredibly complicated and therefore confusing, and it affects the way we live our lives and treat one another. It could be argued that nothing is … [Read more...]
If Atheism is a Religion…
Here's a common theistic claim that makes me want to punch my computer: Atheism is a religion. This is very strange considering atheism doesn't have any features normally associated with religion--things like creeds, holy books, moral codes, origin myths, prayers, prophecies, and … [Read more...]
Born in the Right Place at the Right Time
Before you read this post, please take a good look at this map of world religions. It makes me wonder... If I had been born in the Middle East, would I have grown up believing in Islam? What if I had been born in India? Would I have grown up as a Hindu? Or what if I had been born … [Read more...]